News Supreme Court rulings November 2016

Supreme Court: court documents must also be translated into Sardinian dialects

The Supreme Court of Civil Cassation, in ruling no. 45216/2016, ruled that the dialects into which the Sardinian language is divided also benefit from the constitutionally guaranteed rights of recognized linguistic minorities, with the result that procedural documents must also be translated under penalty of nullity into Sardinian dialects if the addressee of the same, who belongs to such recognized linguistic minorities, expressly requests it.

Supreme Court: calling someone a “godfather” is a crime

From a recent ruling of the Criminal Court of Cassation, no. 44107/2016, it is inferred that a journalist who, in one of his articles, uses the expression “godfather” is liable to be convicted of libel in the press, since such a term, in addition to having a purely mafia connotation, evokes a powerful person who acts in parallel to the power of the state to obtain illegitimate advantages.

Supreme Court: continuously cutting off neighbor’s electricity is stalking

In the recent ruling no. 43083/2016, the Criminal Court of Cassation ruled that anyone who repeatedly cuts off their neighbor’s electricity for the sole purpose of spite or out of spite is liable to conviction for the crime of stalking under Article 612-bis of the Criminal Code

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