Attorney Erika Contardi


September 2012 to present
Randazzo&Roncarolo law firm stp
Experience in legal advice and court assistance in the areas of traditional civil law, real estate executions, and debt collection.

Since the year 2019 registered in the register of professionals delegated to the sale and judicial custodians for real estate executions at the Court of Vercelli.
Since the year 2017, he has held the office of support administrator, guardian, curator at the Court of Vercelli.

Beginning in 2012 included in the firm as a sole practitioner until the year 2013 when she assumed the status of a licensed practitioner.
Since 2019 licensed to practice law, registered with the Vercelli Bar Association.


On dates 14/10/2016 and 15/10/2016 and 04/11/2016 and 05/11/2016
Participation in the Specialization Master “Delegate in real estate sales” organized by Euroconference Group S.p.a.

On 03/27/2018
Participation in the Specialization Seminar “Telematic auctions and single portal for the advertising of notices of sale” organized by Gruppo Euroconference S.p.a.

On 29.05.2019
Participation in the Specialization Seminar “Judicial Custodian” organized by Euroconference Group S.p.a.

University of Turin
Doctor of Laws, single-cycle degree program in Law.
95/110 rating.
Graduate thesis in Criminal Procedural Law entitled “Wiretapping. Speaker Prof. Rosanna Gambini.

“A. Avogadro” high school of science in Vercelli.
Languages studied: English and Spanish.
Rated 76/100.

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