Attorney Sophie Garoni


Since September 2018: collaboration with law firm Randazzo&Roncarolo stp

From December 2020: licensed to practice law, registered with the Bar – Vercelli Bar Association.

Since September 2018: licensed practicing attorney registered with the Vercelli Bar Council.

Since October 2017: practicing attorney registered with the Turin Bar Council.


I am currently attending the one-year, master’s level II course at the University of Turin in
agri-food markets law

In 2022, I will attend the training course for civil and commercial mediators (In accordance with Art. 18 co. 2 lett f) of the Interministerial Decree of the Minister of Justice in consultation with the Minister of Economic Development dated 18.10.2010 No.180 and P.D.G. 04.11.2010);

In 2020 I am taking courses in Legal English: terminology and procedure – contract law – family law – corporate law, organized by the OK Center Business and Law institute;

In 2020, I am attending a master’s degree program in international law and trade dealing with specific topics in international law and competition law, at the 24Ore Business School in Milan;

In 2019, I will attend a master’s program in domestic and international contracting, focusing on the drafting and negotiation of business contracts, at the 24Ore Business School in Milan;

In 2019, I am attending Formamentis annual bar exam preparation course at the Turin office;

In 2017, I obtained my law degree with honors from the University of Turin with a thesis entitled “evolutionary profiles of ordinary revocatory action and ex art. 2929 Bis c.c.”

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