News Supreme Court rulings February 2021

Sports agents' compensation: clarification from the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, in its recent order no. 853/2021 intervened on the issue of sports agents' compensation, shedding light on a number of provisions of the 2011 FIGC Players' Agents Regulations taken…

News Supreme Court rulings January 2021

United Sections: transfer decree immediately extinguishes mortgage The United Sections of the Supreme Court recently ruled on the subject of expropriation and forced sale of real estate, stating in Judgment No. 28387/2020, the immediate effectiveness of the decree of transfer…

News Supreme Court rulings December 2020

Exclusive use of a condominium property is not a real right The United Civil Sections of the Supreme Court of Cassation, called to rule on the nature of the right to exclusive use of a condominium property, ruled that the…

News Supreme Court rulings November 2020

Victims of sexual violence and state compensation for damages The Supreme Court, in ruling no. 26757 of Nov. 24, 2020 ruled that the Italian state must compensate victims of intentional violent crimes (including sexual violence under Article 609-bis of the…

News Supreme Court rulings October 2020

The SS.UUs. On the difference between arbitrary exercise and extortion The United Sections, in ruling no. 29541/2020 filed this Oct. 23 affirmed some principles of law on the subject of the relationship between extortion and arbitrary exercise of one's reasons…

News Supreme Court rulings September 2020

No to revocation of divorce allowance if ex-spouse cannot find stable job By Ordinance no. 18522/2020, the Supreme Court dismissed a petition to revoke a divorce maintenance allowance, declaring inadmissible an appeal brought by an ex-husband who claimed that his…

News Supreme Court rulings August 2020

Limits on entitlement to child support for an adult child The Supreme Court, in Order no. 17183/2020, clarified the limits of an adult child's right to obtain dependent maintenance from his or her parents, specifying that the child is obliged…

News Supreme Court rulings July 2020

Undue compensation: failure to record the transaction in the tax drawer is irrelevant In the field of tax crimes, the Supreme Court in ruling no. 23027 ud. 06/23/2020 (dep. 07/29/2020) clarified that the consummative moment of the crime of undue…

News Supreme Court rulings June 2020

Compensation and expropriation in the public interest The Supreme Court with Judgment no. 10747 dated 05/06/2020 clarified that on the subject of expropriation for public utility, in the event that, as a result of the construction or widening of a…

News Supreme Court rulings May 2020

Sale of consumer goods affected by conformity defect The Judgment no. 1082 of 20/01/2020 of the Supreme Court, then the matter of the sale of consumer goods affected by a conformity defect, it has enunciated the principle that where repair…