The agrarian level: nature and competence

The livello is one of the many contractual forms still in use in the Middle Ages, but of Roman origin, under which a person, the so-called livestock man, was granted land for use, grazing or cultivation, often the sole source…

Proceedings for injunction and settlement attempt

On the subject of debt recovery arising from agrarian contracts, specifically claims arising from non-payment of rent and ancillary charges, the Supreme Court has, recently, shed light on whether or not the prior attempt at conciliation is mandatory, as provided…

News Supreme Court rulings February 2019

Facebook use at work and disciplinary dismissal The Supreme Court, in its February 1, 2019 ruling no. 3133, found legitimate the disciplinary dismissal, imposed by the employer on its employee who made a substantial number of logins (amounting to 4,500),…

News Supreme Court Judgments January 2019

Overtaking on curve, fine tripled The Supreme Court, in ruling 1683/2019, ruling on the case of a motorist, who was charged and convicted in the first and second instance for performing a dangerous maneuver, i.e., overtaking at a curve, resulting…

News Supreme Court rulings December 2018

Overtaking between vehicles, safety distances must also be maintained laterally The Third Civil Section of the Supreme Court in ruling no. 31009/2018 affirmed that, on the subject of road traffic, the driver of a vehicle intending to overtake must take…

Subletting: landlord forfeiture and subtenant takeover

The prohibition of subletting, subleasing and in any case subgranting of land enshrined in Article 21 of Law 203/82 on agrarian contracts, as the Supreme Court has repeatedly clarified, is not intended to protect a subjective right of the grantor…

News Supreme Court rulings November 2018

Loss of companion animal, moral damage In the case at hand, a motorist involved in a traffic accident unintentionally ran over a companion animal, causing it numerous injuries. The trial judge denied the compensability of non-pecuniary damage referring to the…

News Supreme Court Judgments October 2018

Child support, relationship between father's income and increase in allowance The Supreme Court in Order no. 25134, Oct. 10, 2018, upholds a parent's appeal against the lower court's decision in which the lower court judge had redetermined the amount of…

News Supreme Court Judgments September 2018

Car parked in front of one's home gate, when is it an offense The Supreme Court, in Judgment No. 40482/2018, clarified that the crime of private violence under Article 610 of the Criminal Code can be committed whenever an individual…

News Supreme Court rulings August 2018

The recognition of the divorce allowance The Judgment no. 18287 of 11-7-2018 of the United Sections of the Supreme Court ruled that, pursuant to Article 5, Paragraph 6 of Law no. 898 of 1970, as and amended by Law no.…