The Judicial Liquidator is interested in collecting proposals to purchase the real estate owned by the company Amteco S.p.a. in Concordat on the basis of the appraisal dated 18/06/2019 by Surveyor Sigismondo Inglese and its attachments. The assets are sold in 6 LOTS, namely: Lot 1 base price of euro 4,609.00 with minimum increased bids equal to euro 250.00, in Santhià (VC), Agricultural land, of 1,700 square meters, distinguished at the C.T. of Santhià at Fl. 36, no. 1175, Ha 00.17.00, S. I., cl. 4, R.D.E. 6.58, R.A.E. 14.93. Lot 2 base price of euro 60,591.00 with minimum increased bids of euro 1,300.00 in Tronzano (VC), Tract of agricultural land, of 22,360 sq.m., distinguished at the C.T. of Tronzano Vercellese in Sheet 1, no. 9, Ha 02.23.60, S.I., cl. 5, R.D.E. 127.03, R.A.E. 173.22. Lot 4 base price of euro 100,449.00 with minimum increased bids of euro 2,000.00 in Monteu Roero (CN): a) tracts of land, having industrial and artisanal use, extending a total of 2,386 sq. m., distinguished at the C.T. of Monteu Roero at Fl. 33, n.ri: 98, Ha 00.09.27, S.I., cl. 1, R.D.E. 7.90, R.A.E. 4.55; 99, Ha 00.14.59, S.I., cl. 2, R.D.E. 11.30, R.A.E. 6.40.; b) Fallow land, urbanistically destined for industrial-industrial, extended 1,812. sq. m., distinguished at the C.T. of Monteu Roero in Sheet 33, map no. 75, Ha 00.18.12, S.I., cl. 1, R.D.E. 15.44, R.A.E. 8.89. Lot 5 base price of euro 248.00 with minimum increased bids equal to euro 250.00 in Statte (TA), a) Tracts of land, extending a total of 672 sq.m., urbanistically located in a rural context encumbered by a railway buffer strip, distinguished at the C.T. of Statte, in Sheet 14, n.ri: 32, Ha 00.02.79, Pasture, cl. 2, R.D.E.0.36, R.A.E.0.14 ; 34, Ha 00.03.93, Pasture, cl. 2, R.D.E.0.51, R.A.E.0.20.; b) Tracts of land, extending a total of 1,159 sq. m, urbanistically located in a rural context encumbered by a railway buffer strip, distinguished in the C.T. of Statte at sheet 14, n.ri: 36, Ha 00.06.38, Olive grove, cl. 6, R.D.E.0.66, R.A.E.0.66; 38, Ha 00.05.21, Pasture, cl. 2, R.D.E.0.67, R.A.E.0.27. Lot 8 base price of euro 277,859.00 with minimum increased bids equal to euro 5,000.00 in Novara Areas intended for services and included in the Detailed Plan of Public Initiative for commercial development in the park called "Commercial and Urban Equipped Park in Novara Veveri," and specifically areas distinguished at the C.T. of Novara: A) Sheet 21, mappali n.ri: 112, Ha 01.19.80, paddy stab, cl.U, R.D.E.167.05, R.A.E.61.87; 177, Ha 01.37.15, paddy stab, cl.U, R.D.E.51.80, R.A.E.19.19; 97, Ha 00.76.30, paddy stab, cl.U, R.D.E.106.40, R.A.E. 39.41; 40, Ha 00.05.60, irrigated meadow, cl.1, R.D.E.4.92, R.A.E. 4.34; 41, Ha 00.04.20, irrigated meadow, cl.1, R.D.E.3.69, R.A.E. 3.25; 42, Ha 00.04.30, irrigated arable land, cl.3, R.D.E.4.77, R.A.E. 2.33; 43, Ha 00.14.30, irrigated arable land, cl.3, R.D.E.15.88, R.A.E. 7.75; 44, Ha 00.24.40, irrigated arable land, cl.3, R.D.E.27.09, R.A.E. 13.23; 92, Portion AA: Ha 00.55.00, arable land, cl.3, R.D.E.44.03, R.A.E.28.41; Portion AB: Ha 00.04.40, irrigated grassland, cl.1, R.D.E.5.23, R.A.E.3.41; 93, Ha 00.64.10, paddy field, cl.U, R.D.E.71.18, R.A.E.34.76; 94, Ha 00.67.30, paddy stab, cl.U, R.D.E.93.85, R.A.E. 34.76; Sheet 22, Parcel No.: 1164, Ha 00.06.20, irrigated meadow, cl.1, R.D.E.5.44, R.A.E. 4.80;B) Sheet 39, Parcel No.: 651, Ha 00.00.59, irrigated meadow, cl.2, R.D.E.0.47, R.A.E. 0.37. Lot 9 base price of euro 12,595,152.00 with minimum increased bids of euro 10,000.00, in Novara Veveri, branch of business consisting of commercial real estate complex called "Commercial and Urban Equipped Park lot UI3," including five business branch leases, common parts and underground and outdoor areas used for parking. The whole insisting on fl. 21, no. 243, as an urban entity, namely buildings distinguished at the Novara C.F.: on Sheet 21, mappale no. 243, sub n.ri: 26, Via Carlo Schleifer no.8, G.F., cat.D/8, R.C.E. 28,961.00; 27, Via Carlo Schleifer n.8, G.F., cat.D/8, R.C.E.17,763.20; 28, Via Carlo Schleifer n.8, P.T., cat.D/8, R.C.E. 20,924.40; 29, Via Carlo Schleifer no.8, P.T., cat.D/8, R.C.E. 16,462.80; 30, Via Carlo Schleifer no.8, P.S1, cat.D/8, R.C.E. 34,680.60; 35, Via Carlo Schleifer No. 8, P.T., cat.D/8, R.C.E. 5,752.40; 36, Via Carlo Schleifer No. 8, P.T, cat.D/8, R.C.E. 934.40. Electric cabins serving U.I.3 and U.I.4 distinguished at the Novara C.F. at Foglio 21, mappale n. 458, sub. n.ri: 1, Via Oscar Comazzi S.C., P.T., cat.D/1, R.C.E. 81.00; 2, Via Oscar Comazzi S.C., P.T., cat. D/1, R.C.E. 54.00. Sale operations will be held on July 30, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. Bids must be received no later than 12 noon on 29/07/2024 at the Office of the Liquidator, Avv. Maurizio Randazzo, located in Vercelli, Viale Garibaldi, 5. The real estate may be viewed by interested parties by prior arrangement with the Liquidator. More info on how to submit bids, the assets and the conditions of sale, which the participants, with the deposit of the bid, will accept in every part and which must be understood to be binding for them, at the Liquidator, tel. 0161219499 - fax 01611828140 - e-mail: To participate in the sale, it is essential to read the full notice and attachments, which will be available at In any case, the bidder, in addition to the price offered for the purchase of the real estate referred to in the previous LOTS, shall also bear the full cost of advertising, as well as any other ex lege charges, including those of a tax and fiscal nature that may be necessary. The sale shall take place in the state of fact and law in which the real estate is located, which the bidder shall declare that he/she is well acquainted with and accepts; any differences shall not give rise to any compensation, indemnity or price reduction. The sale is not subject to the rules concerning warranty for defects or lack of quality, nor may it be revoked for any reason. Consequently, the existence of any defects, lack of quality and differences in the thing sold, charges of any kind for any reason not considered, even if concealed and in any case not highlighted by the estimate, may not give rise to any compensation, indemnity or reduction in price, reimbursement of expenses, having been taken into account in the valuation of the goods.
Tribunale di Vercelli
Pubblicata il
Numero Beni
6 Lots
Data e ora vendita
July 30, 2024 10:30 a.m.
Tipo Vendita
Sale without enchantment
Luogo Vendita
Presso lo Studio del Liquidatore, Avv. Maurizio Randazzo, sito in Vercelli in Viale Garibaldi, 5
Luogo presentazione offerta
Vercelli in Viale Garibaldi, 5
Termine presentazione offerta
To participate in the sale, bidders must submit, by noon on the day before the day set for the sale, a sealed envelope
Deposito cauzionale
10% of the offered price