News Supreme Court rulings August 2016

Supreme Court: yes to marriage via Skype

A recent ruling by the Court of Cassation (No. 15343/2016) shows that marriages celebrated via Skype between an Italian and a foreigner are also valid in Italy if, according to the legal system of the latter’s country, the telematic mode integrates a suitable consent of the newlyweds.

Indeed, the Courts of legitimacy have made it clear that, although anomalous, the marriage act via Skype is perfectly suitable to consciously represent the consent of the unmarried couple and that it cannot be considered contrary to public order just because it was celebrated in a form not provided for by the Italian legal system.

Supreme Court: karaoke can also infringe copyright!
The Supreme Court of Civil Cassation, in ruling no. 11873/2016, ruled that karaoke performed with subtitles scrolling on a screen constitutes an infringement of the“exclusive rights of economic use of musical works” if the dissemination and reproduction of the lyrics is carried out without prior payment of royalties to the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers (SIAE).

Supreme Court: fine is paid even if T-Red is not signaled

In the recent ruling no. 8415/2016, the Supreme Court ruled that tickets issued against motorists using an unmarked T-Red are perfectly valid.

Indeed, the Courts of legitimacy have clarified that the disciplines concerning the protection of personal data and the movement of vehicles operate on different planes and that, therefore, the lack of a notice warning motorists of the risks consequent to the commission of traffic violations does not assume any significance.

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