News Supreme Court rulings June 2013

Restaurant playground, no duty of supervision for the manager

The Supreme Court in its May 21, 2013, ruling no. 12401, clarified that the owner of a restaurant that provides a perfectly good playground for young children is not obliged to provide a supervisory service related to the use of the play equipment provided. In fact, the Supreme Court has made it clear that the aforementioned service does not entail, on the part of the caterer, either the assumption of additional obligations beyond those assumed under the catering contract or determine any specific obligation to supervise the leisure activities of minors who use this service.

It is not a crime to be an illegal parking attendant

In Judgment 15936/2013, the Supreme Court ruled that it is not a crime but, only, an administrative offense for a person to violate the order issued by the Questore ordering him to desist from engaging in certain conduct consisting, in the present case, in the activity of illegal valet parking near the municipal hospital.

Loses ticket but still cashes in winnings: evidence by witnesses admitted

The Supreme Court (Judgment No. 11774/2013) ordered to pay the winnings of the player who, despite losing the ticket, had managed to prove the play, confirmed, by the way, by the report of lost coupons. This purchase, had been, as well, confirmed by the statement, signed by the same owner of the box office, whereby, the amount of the winnings claimed by the player was specified.

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