News Supreme Court rulings February 2014

No separation charge in case of “platonic infidelity”

According to the Supreme Court, a platonic affair undertaken on the web is not necessarily cause for a separation charge. This was made clear by the Supreme Court in ruling no. 8929 of Dec. 17, 2013, in which the Justices of Legitimacy ruled that the violation of marital obligations should be punished only when the relationship involves offending the dignity and honor of the other spouse. Therefore, if platonic love on the web maintains a non-public profile, it does not trigger any charges. In fact, in addition to there being no sexual relationship between the “cyber lovers,” the relationship was not known to outside parties.

Smelly husband? He cannot demand sexual intercourse from his wife
In ruling no. 980/2014 the Supreme Court ruled that personal hygiene is essential not only for social relations but especially for intimate relations with a partner. In fact, even from hygiene comes the concept of respect for the other person. Therefore, the partner who demands sexual intercourse from his wife may risk a conviction for the crime of sexual assault. In fact, the Supreme Court makes it clear that the circumstance that the wife had indicated that she agreed to have sex with her husband if only the latter washed, cannot make the violence of sexual intercourse go away.

Study must not become an alibi used by “bamboozled” children to receive child support

The Supreme Court in ruling no. 27377 of Dec. 06, 2013 clarified that the father is not required to pay child support for his daughter over 30 years old, who owns personal property, continues to attend college as an off-campus student and who without a justifiable reason delays obtaining her degree, and does not bother to look for a job.

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