News Supreme Court rulings July 2014

With a stocking on the face, it is aggravated robbery.
The Supreme Court, in ruling no. 21890/2014 ruled that for the purposes of the crime of robbery, even a slight alteration of the agent’s outward appearance triggers the aggravating circumstance of misrepresentation.

The Supreme Court found it irrelevant that the stocking worn, given its lightness, did not completely prevent the visualization of somatic features. Moreover, it clarified that for the purposes of the existence of the aggravating circumstance of misrepresentation, a slight alteration in appearance achieved even in a rudimentary manner is sufficient and, in any case, capable of making it difficult to recognize the person.

Late-night prank call? For the Supreme Court, the crime of threatening can be established
According to the Supreme Court (Judgment No. 25772 of June 16, 2014), a phone call in the middle of the night, even if traced to a goliardic prank in bad taste, constitutes the crime of threatening because it is conduct likely to intimidate a normal person.

The Supreme Court has said that the crime of threatening does not require concrete intimidation of the victim, but the proven suitability of the conduct to intimidate an ordinary person is sufficient. All in view of the fact that the conduct potentially affects the victim’s sphere of mental freedom.

Does the train conductor scold in public? Commits the crime of insult
In ruling no. 26396 of June 18, 2014, the Supreme Court clarified that a train ticket inspector who publicly admonishes, in the presence of the other passengers on the train, a citizen for violating a rule and does not merely apply the penalty of a fine, commits the crime of insult.

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